Unit T6

Investigating a Question

Students will learn the necessary components of an investigable question. Using this information, they will develop their own question, formulate a hypothesis, and develop a procedure for an investigation about balance.


The Science Scene characters discuss a balance bracelet that they heard improves balance, but want to test the bracelet to see if it really works.

Duration: Approximately 50 minutes

Students review what they’ve learned about investigable questions and are introduced to the idea that they must have the time and materials to carry out the investigation for the question to work.

Duration: Approximately 30 minutes

Students write an investigable question, hypothesis, and procedure. They will conduct an investigation and record data on a data table. Students examine patterns in data and write a claim, evidence, and reasoning statement. They will create a poster that displays the findings of their investigations.

Duration: Approximately 70 minutes

Students present their posters and address questions and concerns from other young scientists.

Duration: Approximately 100 minutes

In this passage, “Are scams new?” students will read about the history of scams, such as the Power Balance bracelet, and the origin of the term “snake oil salesman.” They will consider who is ultimately responsible for protecting people from such scams.

Duration: Approximately 25 minutes

Teacher Tune-ups

Student View of Visuals and Activities

Original SciGen Unit

Unit T6 Focus Words


noun – a machine that does a specific task or job

The grocery store manager installed a device on its shopping carts that prevents people from stealing them.


verb – to carry out a procedure or task

Scientists who conduct several trials produce better data than those who are satisfied with conducting a single trial.


adjective – able to be tested using procedures, measurements, and data to find out answers

The view that teens who play violent video games are more likely to commit violent acts is testable.


adjective – happening at the beginning before other things occur

My initial response to the field trip to the museum was excitement; however, I was less excited when my teacher assigned a five-page report on the exhibit.


verb – to try to figure out the truth about something by learning more about it

Related form: investigation (noun)

When Janine said the dryer wasn’t working, her mother went to the basement to investigate.


verb – to find out the facts about something

The fire chief determined the source of the fire was old electrical wires.

This project was supported by Science Sandbox, a Simons Foundation initiative dedicated to engaging everyone with the process of science.

Word Generation by SERP is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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