SciGen Teacher Dashboard
Unit T6
Balancing Act
Developing Questions for Investigations
Investigating Balance
Conference Posters
Scams through Time
Lab: Investigating Balance
Duration: Approximately 70 minutes
In this lab, students develop their own question for investigation related to balance. They then take that question through a structured scientific process in the classroom by testing, collecting data, etc.
Students prepare an investigation that includes a suitable question, a hypothesis statement, a procedure for carrying out the investigation, a list of materials, and an estimate of how much time it will take to conduct the experiment.
Teacher Tune-up
Teaching Notes
Prepare investigation documents (30 minutes)
Paraphrase and discuss with students:
Previously you looked at examples of questions for investigation and evaluated whether they were testable, the materials were available, and there was sufficient time to conduct the experiment. Now it is your team’s turn to come up with an investigation about variables that affect balance. Your initial step is to come up with a question for investigation. Your team will work on your investigation for the rest of the week and will present results to the class at the end of the week during the conference.
Samples of Question, Hypothesis, Procedure (some from unrelated activities) provided.
Conduct investigation and record data (20 minutes)
As students conduct their investigation, they should use a data table to record their data. They may use data tables from past units as a resource.
There is a sample data table provided.
Write a claims, evidence, reasoning statement (20 minutes)
After conducting their investigation and examining the data, students are ready to write a claims, evidence, reasoning statement.
Remind students that their claims, evidence, reasoning statement should be multiple sentences and include the following components (sample provided):
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