SciGen Teacher Dashboard
Unit T1
Flour or Rat Poison?
Going from Observations to Inferences
Qualitative vs. Quantitative
Identify Powders
by Observing
Scene: Flour or Rat Poison?
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes
In this Science Scene, a dialogue to read aloud as a class, students meet Cassie, who wants her friends to help her bake a cake for her grandmother’s birthday. The three friends discover that Cassie’s grandmother stores her dry ingredients in containers that are only labeled in Russian, and none of the friends speaks Russian. They try to identify the mystery ingredients but run into trouble after they discover that one of the powders might be rat poison, eliminating the possibility of using taste to determine the powders. The Science Scene ends with the friends trying to think of a way to solve their problem.
Students are introduced to the scientific language used when making observations and inferences.
Students become acquainted with observation of the unknown in scientific investigations.
Students consider the perspectives of the characters through related questions and determine which perspective is most similar to their own.
Teacher Tips
Teacher Tune-ups
Teaching Notes
Set the context (10 minutes)
Engage with the script (20 minutes)
Some teachers have several groups of students read at the same time. Other teachers select a few students to "perform" in front of the class.
While it is possible for the students to read the PDF of the script online, we suggest printing the script for the students so they can hold it in their hands and mark it as they read. Consider scaffolding the lesson for English language learners: you could let them preview the script before the lesson or read the dialogue silently once and ask questions to a partner.
When roles are assigned, it is recommended that the teacher read the part of the narrator as it is there that the focus words are explained.
The Script:
Cassie was sitting in the living room of her grandmother’s apartment. Her grandmother had gone out and Cassie was waiting for her friends to come over. The doorbell rang and she jumped up to open the door for Tiana and Huang.
Cassie: Thanks for coming. I forgot my grandma’s birthday is tomorrow. I want to bake her a cake as a surprise. She’s out for a few hours so we have to work quickly.
Huang: Good thing you called us. I remember the last time you tried to bake a cake. It was awful. Please tell me you have a recipe this time.
Tiana: Give her a break. I’m sure she just needs a little help. Let’s go to the kitchen. What’s in the recipe?
Cassie: We need flour, sugar, and baking soda. Grandma keeps baking supplies on the third shelf. Huang, can you hand me the right ingredients?
Huang: There are just a bunch of plastic containers and the labels are definitely not in English!
Cassie: Grandma usually speaks Russian. That must be what’s on the labels. We’ll just have to figure out which container holds which ingredient.
Tiana: How do we do that? What if we mess up? Cassie, you can’t even bake a cake when you know what’s what!
Huang: Come on. Let’s open all of them. I bet we can figure it out.
He took the containers off the shelf, put them on the counter, and opened each one. Tiana took two containers and carefully compared them.
Tiana: This is not going to work. The containers each have a white powder in them. Flour is white and so are baking soda and sugar. Now what?
Cassie: Well, sugar should feel different from flour. Let’s see if we can at least figure out which is sugar.
Huang thought this would be a good qualitative observation. Cassie put her hand in the first container and the substance felt rough. In contrast, the powder in the second container felt smooth.
Cassie: I bet the first container is sugar.
Tiana: How can you know? You only tried two containers. What about the others?
Huang agreed that Cassie shouldn’t make an inference about the containers until she had tried all of them. Cassie touched the powders in each container. Only one felt grainy.
Cassie: The first container is definitely sugar.
Tiana: Three containers to go! What now?
Cassie: Grandma said we were running out of baking soda. Let’s look at how much is in each container.
Tiana looked in the three remaining containers. She noticed that the middle container was filled only halfway. Tiana decided the half empty container was baking soda.
Tiana: So which of the containers left is flour?
Huang: What if we tasted them?
Cassie: NO! NO! NO! My grandma told me once that she sometimes keeps rat poison in the pantry. Don’t taste anything!
Tiana: GROSS! I don’t want to eat rat poison.
Huang: We’ve figured out two containers. There must be other ways we can figure out the last two. Let me think for a few minutes.
Cassie: Think fast because my grandma will be home in two hours!
Analysis of character perspectives (10 minutes)
Ask students to think about what each character said during the science scene. Then ask them to select among the three. (Answers are marked in bold for teacher.)
Getting clues from the script (10 minutes)
Ask students to use clues from the script to begin describing and/or identifying what is in each container. They may not be able to determine all four.
For each of the following, ask students to provide their evidence.
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