SciGen Teacher Dashboard
Unit L3
This unit introduces students to the basic laws of heredity and the origins of classical genetics. Students will learn about Gregor Mendel’s experiments with patterns of inheritance and practice using the principles of heredity to determine traits.
Students will also learn about genetic diseases and consider the problem of whether or not potential parents should find out if they are carriers of these diseases.
In this scene, several students struggle to understand how their two black rabbits produced six black baby rabbits as expected, but also two brown ones!
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes
Noticing that the genetic information is not always immediately apparent, students connect data they collected by way of a probability experiment to the format of the Punnett Square.
Duration: Approximately 50 minutes
This lesson is a brief introduction to the famous work done by Gregor Mendel related how genetics works. It is intended to be a light-hearted way to introduce Mendel.
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Entirely focused on a corresponding 8-page document, this section of the unit examines that work of Mendel and his pea plants with meticulous detail and illustration.
Duration: Approximately 180 minutes
This activity is an opportunity for students to apply their introductory knowledge of genetics to a difficult real-life policy question. Ultimately they take a position and argue for it.
Duration: Approximately 90 minutes
Duration: Approximately 30 minutes
Teacher Tune-ups
Student View of Visuals and Activities
Some teachers prefer to have students view the slides and other visual assets in this unit directly instead of projecting them in class. Below is a web page to share with students with links to some of same items that are within in the teacher lesson plans, but without the explanatory text for the teacher.
Original SciGen Unit
This unit has been adapted from "7.5 Traits and Heredity" in the Word Generation program led by Catherine Snow (Harvard University) through a SERP collaboration with the Boston Public Schools and other districts in Massachusetts and Maryland.
PDFs of that earlier unit's teacher and student editions are available at the Science Generation Download Center.
Unit L3 Focus Words
noun – an observable characteristic based on genetic background
What are some traits of a pea plant?
adjective – always observable, even when paired with a different trait
What is a dominant trait for the stem of a pea plant?
adjective – only visible when no dominant trait is present
What is the recessive trait for the flower color of a pea plant?
verb – to receive a trait from a parent or previous generation
What happens when an offspring inherits one dominant and one recessive trait from its parents?
noun – a person’s children or an animal’s young
Describe the offspring of the black rabbits, Jet and Midnight.
noun – a single step of the ancestry of a living thing (i.e., a mother and daughter are one generation apart)
Explain how a recessive trait can skip a generation.
adjective – questioning common beliefs
What theories of heredity made Mendel skeptical?
noun – an offspring of two different varieties of plant or animal
Describe how pea plants produce a generation of hybrids.
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