SciGen Teacher Dashboard
SciGen’s units include lively lab procedures, demonstration setup instructions, and project ideas, all with scaffolding for authentic inquiry appropriate to new science classrooms.
Our hands-on activities are collected on this page.
Thinking Like a Scientist / Observation & Inference
Lab: Identify Powders by Observing
Thinking Like a Scientist / UNIT T2 / Models in Science
Lab: Tracing the Path of Water through a Watershed
Thinking Like a Scientist / UNIT T3 / Claims & Evidence
Thinking Like a Scientist / UNIT T4 / Designing a Fair Test
Thinking Like a Scientist / UNIT T5 / Exploring a Hypothesis
Thinking Like a Scientist / UNIT T6 / Investigating a Question
Units of Measure / UNIT U1 / Units & Systems
Project: Units for Sale! Measurement Design Challenge
Units of Measure / UNIT U2 / Measuring Up Metric
Units of Measure / UNIT U3 / The Power of Per
Lab: Find Your Natural Walking Pace
Units of Measure / UNIT U3 / The Power of Per
Energy / UNIT E1 / Potential and Kinetic Energy
Energy / UNIT E1 / Potential and Kinetic Energy
Energy / UNIT E1 / Potential and Kinetic Energy
Energy / UNIT E2 / Work and Machines
Energy / UNIT E2 / Work and Machines
Energy / UNIT E4 / Making Waves
Energy / UNIT E4 / Making Waves
Energy / UNIT E5 / Waves Traveling the Universe
Life Science / UNIT L2 / Environmental Impact
Life Science / UNIT L3 / Traits and Heredity
Lab: Punnett Square and Probability
Life Science / UNIT L4 / Natural Selection
Life Science / UNIT L5 / The Sensational Single Cell
Lab: The Bread Necessities of Life
Life Science / UNIT L7 / Seeing Inside Cells
Project: Clone the Clippy Cell
Life Science / UNIT L7 / Seeing Inside Cells
Matter / UNIT M2 / Determining Density
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