Where in the world are these two lakes?
Let's use Google Maps to find that out (and more too!)
- Locate the country of Kenya in Eastern Africa and zoom in on that country.
- Notice the one city in Kenya that has a double circle. That's the code for capital. Which city is it?
- Go southwest from the capital to locate where Kenya and Tanzania share a border.
- Search along that border to find Lake Natron. You may need to zoom in a lot! Is it mostly in Kenya or Tanzania?
- Once you find Lake Natron, search northeast just inside Kenya to find Lake Magadi.
- Zoom in on Lake Magadi. Switch to satellite view (by tapping on the square in the lower left corner of the map). Practice switching back and forth between satellite and map view. Also practice zooming in and out on Lake Magadi.
- In satellite view, carefully search all around the shore of Lake Magadi for signs of industrialization or other human impacts. What do you see?
- Zoom way out and change from satellite to map view. Find Lake Natron again and zoom in. In satellite view, carefully search all around the shore of Lake Natron for signs of industrialization or other human impacts. What do you see?
- What other differences did you notice when comparing the two lakes?